Friday, September 28, 2012

September 27, 2012

I think these would make super adorable little stickers!
Ned Kelly!

Skippyjon Jones


September 26, 2012

Do you ever have days like this? Days that are just bllllaaagh.

I wish my kitties puked rainbows... That'd be much easier to clean up than the awkward orange cat food vomit they puke instead.


September 25, 2012

I don't know what was going on in my head today... But I drew this senior portrait of an alien.
His name is Bgxxt. It's a really common name for aliens actually.

I think I might have a problem....


September 24, 2012

Two sketches today. I tried to do one of Daniel Boone when he was awake. But he moved too much so he's a little awkward looking.

But it's okay because I also have THIS! This is my baby Jesse James! He was all cute and snuggly the other day! He LOVES the cold weather. He's always super friendly and lovely when it gets cold out.

Love love!


September 23, 2012

This guy lives in a distant distopian future. Better watch yourselves or you might end up there too.

I haven't drawn this guy in YEARS... I wonder if he'll ever forgive me? Probably not, he looks pretty scary.


September 22, 2012

Oh poor Rabbit... He's ALWAYS trying to get Woodchuck out of danger!


September 21, 2012

I had a VERY productive day at work today. Too bad it wasn't work related specifically...

More sketches of Rabbit and Woodchuck!

Rabbit has on fuzzy slippers today!

I did another sketch of the shoeless angel.

You'd think after all this time he'd be able to get some shoes from SOMEWHERE... But obviously that's not totally high on his priority list.


September 20, 2012

Today is just another of one of those days where everything was going okay and then BAM. This:

He's... a... vampire? Or... something?


September 19, 2012

I don't know what happened here....

But it's creepy. I'm not a fan.


September 18, 2012

Remember this story?

Woodchuck is kind of a failure when it comes to common sense safety... Here he is trying to touch hot things on the stove.

Rabbit is wearing slippers! I just want eveyone to see that :D


September 17, 2012

Today a drew some sort of creature. I think he's a demon or something.

I'm always trying to do different poses but I always end up doing the same ones over and over. But that means I'm fairly good at those particular poses haha


September 16, 2012

One last sketch from my Chicago trip!

Although this one isn't TOTALLY horrible :D
A big griffin today! There are lots of little griffins lately, but not many big ones. So here's one to hold you over a while longer!

September 15, 2012

More awkward doodles from when I was in Chicago.



September 14, 2012

I went to Chicago to go to a concert with my BFF this weekend. So I have some really awful sketches :D

This is my BFF's dog. He was sleeping while I lost the puppy.

It's not really my fault that I lost the puppy... SOMEBODY told me that the puppy couldn't get out of the fenced yard. But she could apparently. And she did. And I lost her.

So I had to call my friend and be like "soooo... I lost your dog?" But it's okay because the neighbor found her again. It really made me look like an intelligent adult :D


September 13, 2012

I drew this little guy again!

He's a happy guy so he's dancing!

I also named him Bobbit. Just FYI.


September 12, 2012

Just some little doodlies today.

AV wanted a little raccoon. I wanted to do something a little more realistic, but that didn't happen obviously.

And I also drew a tea bag. Because I use them everyday. Fun fact.


September 11, 2012

My husband had to work late today so it was just me and "the kids" tonight.

We watched a movie.

Somebody loved it.

This is my husband's cat. He doesn't like me much. Except for when nobody else is home and he's lonely for his daddy.

He's got a thing for dudes I think. He also adores my dad.

But actually, it's okay because he's got a weird habit of licking your exposed skin. It's creepy weird.


September 10, 2012

I was trying to think of things that little griffins might do. And what's better than Saturday morning cartoons?

Granted, I'm actually not certian that Saturday morning cartoons even exist anymore... But if they did, that'd be something that little griffins would absolutely do.

And no, I do not have one of those big tube TVs.


It was broken anyways.


September 9, 2012

We went to see Enchanted when  it first came out. Heck yes I saw a children's movie on my 21st birthday! They had it at the library the other day so I saw it again!

I really like that movie haha Giselle's blue and white dress is THE BEST. I LOVE how she makes it out of the curtians and they have dress shapes cut out of them when they're still over the windows. Because that's how you make clothes apparently.

So I drew Giselle. Because that's what I've been building up to this whole time.



September 8, 2012

So I got a "real person job" wherein I have to get up at six am and work five days a week. I'm not a fan. And I also work at my other job on Sundays. So... That means that I don't do a very good job of updating the blog. So here's three weeks of sketches, get excited!

Today I drew this!

I feel like she's some sort of nomad. She must live somewhere warm, that bag is much too small to carry around winter clothes. 


Saturday, September 8, 2012

September 7, 2012

Yesterday I drew a little winged kitty. And what goes with a winged kitty?

A winged DOGGY!

~ And the little dog laughed to see such fun! ~

I think these guys would be pretty cute in a baby's room or something :)

I also did a couple more sketches today!

This is AV's kitty Skippyjon Jones, aka: Princess Moth-Bear.

I also drew Blackberry!

Blackberry is an evil wizard today. He's keeping those poor stuffed animals peasants prisoner. But don't worry, I'm sure someone will save them. Probably.


September 6, 2012

In Knoxville, AV and I found a little cast iron kitty. It has little angel wings on it and we brought it home!

I took it in my carry-on because I didn't want to break it or somebody else's stuff because it's pretty heavy. So of course I got tagged by TSA and they had to search in my bag. The lady that was looking in my bag was grinning really huge when she figured out why my bag was tagged in the x-ray.

I also got tagged because I had a gum wrapper in my pocket. So apparently I am a terrorist because I am trying to bring a gum wrapper and a little kitty sculpture onto an airplane. DANGER, WILL ROBINSON!!!

So today, I drew a little winged kitty!

~ And the cat jumped over the moon! ~

Yes, that poem is about a cow, but a kitty is cuter and also has cow spots. So, best of both worlds, really.


September 5, 2012

We had to leave Tennessee today :(

I was not thrilled by this activity.

I drew the guy sitting across from us in the airport. He was watching something on his computer I think. He was just kind of staring blankly and biting his lip. It was slightly weird.


September 4, 2012

AV and I went hiking in the mountians today. We saw some (or possibly the same one more than once) bunnies on the side of the path!

So I drew one.

He's eating a piece of grass, not smoking a cigar. Even though that's what looks like what's happening...


September 3, 2012

So, let me set the scene for you:

AV and I were driving in the Smokey Mountains this evening. He was driving because it was an extra 13$ for me to be a driver on the rental agreement. And we are cheap cheap so I was not allowed to drive. But, I was sitting in the passenger seat, minding my own business, when BAM! WOODCHUCK ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD.

So I clearly informed the driver of this piece of information by going "WOAH! Woodchuck."

It was very helpful and AV totally understood what I was saying and was not at all confused and didn't continue driving directly towards the woodchuck on the side of the road.

So I drew this commemorative drawing of this experience. See, if that rabbit had told the woodchuck what was what, we wouldn't have been in this predicament.


PS. We did not hit the woodchuck with our car. Just so everybody is aware....

September 2, 2012

AV and I went to a glass blowing class today! So I had to draw my paperweight on it's little metal stick thingy that I've already forgotten the name of.

But here it is!

I hope it's awesome when it arrives :D

JK I know it will be, because I made it and I'm basically a genius.*


*What did I tell you about letting me have my moment??? JUST LET ME HAVE IT, OKAY?

Glass Blowing Class!

My friend's wedding was over Labor Day weekend. So, everlasting love, blah blah blah whatever. My friend being all nervous and excited to see his bride. LAME.*

But what was REALLY awesome was that AV and I went to a GLASS BLOWING STUDIO AND MADE PAPERWEIGHTS.

We went to Marble City Glassworks in Knoxville. We didn't realize it was in somebody's personal studio so we were pretty confused when the address matched up to a house rather than some sort of industrial setting. But once we got into the studio, we figured out it was pretty sweet.

Who would have thought that molten glass would make the studio so so hot? Obviously not me who sweated through all their underwear. Too much information? Probably.

AV and I got to make TWO paperweights each. It was amazing. Seriously. It was THE. BEST.

We worked with Matt, who was fabulous, patient and so so helpful. I seriously cannot say enough about how awesome this experience was. We're going to have to go back so we can actually make some blown glass!

Here's AV rounding out his paperweight!

I'll post photos when we get our finished paperweights. The studio has to ship them to us because it didn't occur to me that the glass would have to take a couple of days to cool from being MOLTEN. So get excited for those!

Tip: Do NOT try to touch the glass at any point... It might look like super awesome taffy or ice or something fabulous to touch. BUT IT IS NOT. IT IS NOT AWESOME TO TOUCH.


But in all seriousness, if you are in the Knoxville area, look up Marble City Glassworks. No joke. They offer private two hour classes where you'll experience something totally unlike the art you've ever done before.


*Okay, just to clarify, I am totally kidding.... My friend and his wife were adorable and I am so so happy for them. I just wanted to throw that up there for those kids who have no sense of humor :)

September 1, 2012

We've made it into September!

We're in Knoxville (which I LOVE!) got drinks tonight at a bar. This is what mine looked like!

Regrettably, it tasted a lot like Tang. All I could think of was those stupid orangutangs in space suits... Does anybody else remember those ad campaigns?


August 31, 2012

We flew out to Tennessee today for a friend's wedding on Sunday. It's hot and humid and I want ice cream!

Clearly Blackberry is the winner.


August 30, 2012

One of my best friends from high school is getting married!

We only gave them a check so I wanted to do something special as well. I drew/painted a picture of their dog on their wedding card!

I hope they like it!!!

And yes, I did use this card as the Sketch Resolution today. And yes, that is cheating... But we have to fly out to their wedding location early in the morning.


August 29, 2012

I'm not real thrilled with today's sketch haha

This is supposed to be the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, but... I think he looks a lot like Buster Baxter from Arthur....
I guess Buster could be late too...


August 28, 2012

Today I have a griffin on a bicycle!
Cupcake's bike has those little rainbow colored things on his weels. I love those things... I should get some for my bike. That'd be awesome.

I also drew all of the Little Griffin's bicycles!  
Blackberry is the youngest so he still has a big wheel. Also he has a flag so everybody else can find him in the long grasses!


I'm doing an Art Show*!

I found out that the local art institute is doing a juried Art Show. And I'm going to do something for it!

I'm going to do a painting and I have to submit a photo of it for consideration by September 22. If I get in the grand prize is a THOUUUUSAND DOOOOLLARSSSS.


So here's my sketch so far!

Five cameras!


* I'm SUBMITTING art to an Art Show

August 27, 2012

Today I drew some bears!

I still need to do a logo for my friend. I keep doing the name wrong! I can't believe it...

I'm still working on what bears look like... If you can't tell, I don't really know what they look like specifically :/


August 26, 2012

Another catter drawing.

He's asleep obviously. Because they're always sleeping whenever I want to draw them.


August 25, 2012

Today I drew a faun. He's a little bit hideous.
But I guess that's a good thing?


August 24, 2012


Blackberry won a race and is rubbing it in Chip's face.

ALSO. I found out that the local art institute is having an art show! Entries are due by September 22 and I'M GOING TO DO IT.
This is what I am going to paint! I love photography and AV and I have a whole horde of vintage film cameras so I'm going to paint a whole slew of them!

It's going to be tough to finish up in time, but I'M GOING TO DO IT.



August 23, 2012

More drawings from Above!

These are Matthew and Ariel.

I would be lying if I said this is what I originally set out to draw haha


August 22, 2012

I started a new job the other day and so far I haven't had a lot to do. So today I drew a picture of how I was feeling: BORED.

This is the computer I was using at work. And poor little Blackberry all upset and worn out.


August 21, 2012

Three sketches today!

This is Alfred. He's an alien. He has green skin, long ears and antennas. He also wears a bowtie. AND he usually has a cane and a top hat.

When I was younger, I was OBSESSED with NeoPets. I used to have like four accounts there. Apparently they changed their whole deal over there so I don't even know how it works :(

These ones were my favorite! I think they were called aishas... maybe?

I also drew another alien! This one has a poem to go with him.

Little demons go to school
They have to learn the demon rules.
They sneak, and slink, and creep about
They're scary things, without a doubt!
