Saturday, September 8, 2012

September 3, 2012

So, let me set the scene for you:

AV and I were driving in the Smokey Mountains this evening. He was driving because it was an extra 13$ for me to be a driver on the rental agreement. And we are cheap cheap so I was not allowed to drive. But, I was sitting in the passenger seat, minding my own business, when BAM! WOODCHUCK ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD.

So I clearly informed the driver of this piece of information by going "WOAH! Woodchuck."

It was very helpful and AV totally understood what I was saying and was not at all confused and didn't continue driving directly towards the woodchuck on the side of the road.

So I drew this commemorative drawing of this experience. See, if that rabbit had told the woodchuck what was what, we wouldn't have been in this predicament.


PS. We did not hit the woodchuck with our car. Just so everybody is aware....

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