Saturday, October 27, 2012

October 26, 2012

I finished my Halloween costume! It looks like this:

It looks aaaamazing and I'm pretty proud of myself :D I made the jacket from a pattern but I made some poor fabric choices so it was kind of the devil to make...


October 25, 2012

I was just doodling at work today.

I mean... not at work...


October 24, 2012

I was still thinking about Victorian outfits today. That and BUNNIES!

This is Mrs. Snuffles. She is a very fashionable lady!


October 23, 2012

Where we live, there is a huge event in December for Christmas. A lot of people dress up in Victorian outfits for it. So I was looking at some stuff so maybe AV and I could dress up this year!

The website I was looking at didn't have very cute women's wear. I was pretty disappointed, it was kind of boring actually :(


October 22, 2012

AV asked for a platypus today!

He's a very classy dude!


October 21, 2012

We watched Snow White and the Huntsman today. I thought it would have been better with a different leading lady...

But I did LOVE the evil queen's outfits!!
I was glad that they had the outfit at the end with the huge collar, it was so reminiscent of the original Disney Snow White.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

October 20, 2012

We watched a ridiculous movie today... It was an "outerspace horror movie". It was ... questionable to say the least....

And I still have bunnies on the brain... So this happened.

You can decide what to think about it.


October 19, 2012


I loooooveeee bunnieeeessssss

Here's some details of my bunny page!

This little guy is sniffing around for predators.

And this little guy was rooting around in the couch. He found somebody's keys. Who lost them?

And THIS little guy is just adorable :D


October 18, 2012

AV showed me a drawing of a cute little baby bunny. So I had to draw him!!


October 17, 2012

Two drawings today!

First I did a little sketch of Mr. Daniel Boone!

I just started drawing and this came out. I thought it looked like a little girl. So I made her a girl scout!


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

October 16, 2012


I drew a squirrel today. He has a nut.

The end.


October 15, 2012


I dono though, he seems a little too cute to be a big scary monster guy.


October 14, 2012

I drew Lennox again. She is very stylish.

You can't tell, but she has purple hair!


October 13, 2012

I asked AV what I should draw today. He told me to "draw a bungalow".

I'm not sure what those ACTUALLY are, so this is what I went with!

I want to build this in my yard. That'd be amazing.


October 12, 2012

I think I misplaced today's drawing :/

So I'm going to have to look for it. I hope it's somewhere, I know I did one today but I just don't know where I put it!


So what I actually did was to date today's drawing as yesterday and then misplace YESTERDAY's drawing. GO TEAM.

So, here's today's actual drawing!

Today is a Ned Kelly kind of day!

He's such a sweetie. Everyone loves him!


October 11, 2012

I lost today's drawing till just now when I rediscovered it. So here it is!

I really love this drawing actually :D

I want to get some photos taken with AV. I want to go out to a big field and bring some multicolored balloons! I think those would make some BEAUTIFUL photos!!


October 10, 2012

I just read a book called Rot and Ruin. It's about ZOMBIES. It was really excellent actually.

So I drew a zombie. Guuuuhhhwaaaahhhh.....

Apparently this book is part of a series though, so I'm going to have to find the next one somewhere.


October 9, 2012

So I already mentioned that I love Halloween... But let me just repeat that again :D


This year I'm going to be a Ringmaster. I got some really awesome red glittery fabric and AV found me a legit top hat online. I still want a cane, but I don't think it's going to happen.


I'm thinking I might do a little bit of an apocalyptic thing... We also have a gas mask (I have no idea why we have this) and that'd be super creepy with a top hat :D


October 8, 2012

I actually have a better drawing for today, but it's a secret. It's something I'm trying to do for Christmas so I can't let anybody be sneaking knowledge of it!

But this kitty is also pretty cute, so it's a trade off.


October 7, 2012

Today I drew a MAD SCIENTIST.

I'm sooo excited for Halloween. I LOVES me some Halloween. I guess I could specify that I was thinking of Halloween costumes today and a mad scientist popped into my head. So, yes, that's how those two things relate to one another.

I also drew a KITTY!
Because I loves me some kitties <3


October 6, 2012

I was like half asleep today but then I freaked out because I almost forgot to draw something today!


This poor little griffin got a little bit lost on a hike. He has a map but it's clearly not helping him too much.


October 5, 2012

I was most certainly NOT drawing at work today. Absolutely not.

I mean, really, who does that?


Friday, October 5, 2012

Art Show Submission

So I entered a painting to a local art show a while ago. It was for all of North West Michigan and they only accepted 40 artists. So... I didn't make the cut. Which is sad.

But that's okay... I'll just have to keep entering other shows!

First let's show off some in-progress shots!

Fun fact, you can't use permanent marker (sharpies specifically) underneath acrylic paint. I knew you couldn't use it on TOP because there's some paint thinner in the ink that causes the tip/nib to get all clogged up and weird. But the acrylic won't paint OVER it either. So that's good to know for future reference.

I had quite a bit of trouble getting all of the Sharpie covered up. I ended up having to cover alot more with black paint rather than the white I planned on.

And here's the final product!!

But actually, it turned out really nicely! I'm actually pretty glad that I had to do the black instead of white background.

I still have to finish the sides of the canvas and get some hangers or whatever to put the painting up on the wall.


October 4, 2012

I got a sty in my eye. I'm not happy at all. It hurts and is so so itchy. I thought I was going to explode at work today because it was so ridiculously itchy.

I also drew THIS!

There is an Octoberfest event near us this weekend and they keep advertising "Baby Badger rides". AV and I keep imagining riding an acual badger. Which I think would be bad. Aren't badgers really vicious?

What it actually is, I think, is that there is a large car hauler here called the Badger. So presumably they have some sort of small boat that looks like the big one. Or something.

But riding an actual badger is much funnier to imagine :D


October 3, 2012

Today AV requested a bunny. Drawn with the left hand. So I tried.

It's kind of more of a ... bunny-piglet. I'm not certian I want that particular type of animal just chilling out in my yard or anything.


October 2, 2012

One of our kitties got a tooth cleaning today. Because he apparently had horrible teeth.... So AV decided he should get a dental cleaning. But of course after he was really groggy and horrible looking. I was pretty worried about him because he seemed to have drippy eyes or something and he was just looking really delicate. So he was sitting in my lap on my arm.

Since he was squashing my arm I couldn't draw anything. So I had to use the LEFT HAND OMG CRAZY TALK!!!!

Kitty + me = LOVE!!!

I also drew Skippyjon again. But this time he's LEFT HANDED!

It actually looks pretty legit. Which is almost scary in a way.


October 1, 2012

My goldfish is doing better I think! He's still got some weird welts, or something, on his tail. Maybe they're like moles or something because I got some antibiotics for him and I had to dose him twice and they didn't go away. But his fins are looking really good and he's really active right now. So YAY!

So I drew Lunch today!

I'm still working on getting him totally healthy though. He lost all his gold color due to the antibiotics. Apparently their colors are due to little bacteria in their systems and since I had to use the antibiotics it killed all the bacteria in the tank, including the good ones. So somehow I have to get the GOOD bacteria back. So... If anybody knows about fantail goldfish probiotics and where I can get them, please please let me know!!

So.. um... Yes, I drew a fishy today!


September 30, 2012

I was watching a show today. And I don't remember what it was. Because this was based on somebody somehow. In that show. That I was watching. That I cannot remember.


But actually. I think this came out really nice.

Also, I really like the look of the eyes without the iris. Which is creepy weird and makes them look like zombies. So. go team.


September 29, 2012

Sorry it's so hard to see... It'd be way better if you could see it because this is a t-rex doing some household chores!

He's got one of those old school vacuum cleaners. Because he's a dinosaur. So of course he'd have an obsolete vacuum cleaner!


September 28, 2012

It's a marker!

Drawing a bird... thing. Yes.
