Friday, October 5, 2012

October 1, 2012

My goldfish is doing better I think! He's still got some weird welts, or something, on his tail. Maybe they're like moles or something because I got some antibiotics for him and I had to dose him twice and they didn't go away. But his fins are looking really good and he's really active right now. So YAY!

So I drew Lunch today!

I'm still working on getting him totally healthy though. He lost all his gold color due to the antibiotics. Apparently their colors are due to little bacteria in their systems and since I had to use the antibiotics it killed all the bacteria in the tank, including the good ones. So somehow I have to get the GOOD bacteria back. So... If anybody knows about fantail goldfish probiotics and where I can get them, please please let me know!!

So.. um... Yes, I drew a fishy today!


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