Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Bad-Ass Window Box

My fiance's grandmother gave him a set of brass knuckles a few years ago. He's been keeping them in the paper Walgreen's bag she gave them to him in since then. But we thought, what's the point of a bad-ass heirloom/antique if nobody ever even knows you have it? Obviously we can't just carry them about and whip them out, so I did the next best thing. Window box!

The paper inside is the one on which his grandmother wrote the description of the brass knuckles. It reads "These are Original Brass Nuckles (KNUCKLES) from the 1920's-1930's gangster days in America"


How I did it:
Opened the window box and cleaned the glass.
Aligned the knuckles and note, then marked it on the back board of the box.
Drilled three holes under where the knuckles would lie.
Cut a red piece of scrapbook paper to size and glued it to the board.
Threaded thin wire around knuckles and into holes, twisted the three individual wires together on the back of the box.
Added glue and tape as extra security on the back.
Glued note to the red paper.
Cleaned the glass and closed the box.

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