Thursday, July 26, 2012

July 25, 2012

I made chocolate muffins today!

Correction: I made three and a half DOZEN muffins today.

I'm kind of muffined out.


July 24, 2012

I did a little griffin line-up today!

Griffins, griffins everywhere!


July 23, 2012

Blackberry is being a very very bad little boy today....

So don't be surprised if the toilet mysteriously stops working.


Monday, July 23, 2012

July 22, 2012

Another griffin today :D

AV asked for a griffin at the beach with "one of those balls". Which I am assuming was supposed to mean one of those big inflatable beach balls.

So this is what I came up with! This was probably one of the greatest things that you could do as a little kid. Lay on top of the beach ball. Because it was bouncy AND you could float on it :D :D


July 21, 2012

Today I have another drawing of John Henry!

This one's caption says "John Henry's parents always reminded him that he already had a pet. But Bubbles wasn't very exciting and John Henry didn't like him very much".


July 20, 2012

The first sketch today is an adjustable wrench. I bought it at a garage sale for like a quarter. It's made in the USA! CRAZY! Also, AV took it to work and got it all cleaned up for me :D Now it's all shiny and new!!

Now I need to build some stuff I think. Or possibly just open some paint tubes....

Next is another drawing of John Henry. This is more of the style that I'd like him to be.

The caption reads "John Henry always wanted a pet."


July 19, 2012


This is Daniel Boone. He's a polydactyl which means he has THUMBS! :D

This is the "look how cute I am, pet my belly, no, don't pet my belly" pose.


July 18, 2012

I want to make some greeting cards with the little griffins on them :D

So here's Blackberry on a swing in the yard! He's the little black griffin. He's just a little bitty one :D


July 17, 2012

Today I drew AV's cat, Skippyjon.

He was posing for me in  what is commonly known as the "cat dumpling" pose. Sometimes referred to as the "cat burrito".


July 16, 2012

I've ventured into the relms of Facebook! Of course, I already had Facebook personally (being that I'm pretty sure my graduating class was on the crest of the Facebook wave) but I've decided that it'd be another good place to showcase my artwork :D :D

Support my artwork on Facebook :D


Monday, July 16, 2012

July 15, 2012

I had no ideas today... So I tried... And it was bad :(

Very bad.


July 14, 2012

My friend wanted a logo for his leather working business/crafts.

He wanted a patchwork teddy bear but every time I try to make him look patch worked, he turns into zombie.

Which is bad.

In case you weren't sure.

So we'll see how he feels about this guy :D I think he's pretty cute (and I think I put the right name on the business card the teddy's holding THIS TIME)


July 13, 2012

Today is a pretty beefy guy today. His neck is monsterous....


July 12, 2012

Another kitty today!

This guy is a japanese bobtail. Those guys are pretty cute, I have to say! I LOVE their little bunny tails :D


July 11, 2012

I drew some kitties today!
One kitty.....

Two kitty, three!!


July 10, 2012

Today I drew a cartoon-y little boy for a story I wrote :D

I want him to be a little more realistic I think. Also I think this style is a little too anime for what I want.

I guess I'll have to keep working...


July 9, 2012

I drew a picture of my house today :D :D

We're building a garage right now and I'm hoping that we can paint the house this summer still too. It's currently a weird olive green with red window frames and a red roof. I hate it >_<

I want to paint it white instead. Then it'll be red, white, and blue!!

I almost forgot... I also drew a giraffe today! 

Or something....


Monday, July 9, 2012

July 8, 2012

AV wanted to see a griffin fishing!

So here's little Chips sitting on the lake shore trying to catch some delicious fish!

What would YOU like to see the griffins doing? Leave a comment and I'll see what I can do :D


July 7, 2012

I drew a slightly creepy child today...



July 6, 2012

Two sketches again today!!

First I did a little sketch of Blackberry with some ice cream! He's just a little guy still so he's very messy.

I inked this one too, but then I remembered that Blackberry has black fur so there's not a ton of details to be inking in :/

I also did some more coloring!! I'm trying to be more "loose" and less constrained with my artwork. So I just started drawing with the crayons with this one, I didn't do a sketch or anything! Crazy talk!

This is the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland :D


July 5, 2012

It has been so so hot lately... The midwest has been covered in this ridiculous heat wave and we've got highs that are usually normal for like the end of August! YUCK.

Cupcake doesn't like it either... He's just trying to chill out by the fan, maybe he should just go to the beach...?


July 4, 2012

Happy Independence Day!

What's more American than pancakes, fireworks, and dogs??


July 3, 2012

I just had to do a quick sketch because we were busy today. First I drew my sweet fedora... Then it went down hill from there because I started rhyming things with "hat" :/


July 2, 2012

It has been hotter than hell here so I haven't been able to use the office.... The computer overheats AND the room itself is like a billion degrees. It's so hot up here that our posters have fallen off of the walls :/

Any-hoo... Today I have a sketch of an owl on a cat's head!

Looks a lot like this one!

I also have a SECOND drawing today!! This is something new and different! I COLORED IT :D

I used crayons :D It's one of those little lorikeets. I like them... They're so pretty!


Monday, July 2, 2012

July 1, 2012

Today is the second half of yesterday's sketch!

On the other side of the fence is a PUPPY DRAGON!!!

Here's the whole thing together :D


June 30, 2012

Congratulations to me! I've made it through SIX months of sketching!

Here's Lemonade looking over a fence. I think her beak is a little too pointy. She's supposed to still be snuggly and cute...

But what's she looking at? You'll have to wait and see!


June 29, 2012

Two sketches today.

This is one of the cameras we have hanging around in the house. Not really one of my favorites, but it's the only one I could really see from where I was sitting!

Next is just a quick sketch of a griffin on a bicycle!


June 28, 2012

This sketch comes in a close second for my favorite little griffin sketch :D

He's hording his little toy cars... He wants to hold them all but he can't fit them all in his tiny little hands...


This is my favorite sketch in case you were wondering :)

June 27, 2012

Another sketch of little Blackberry today!

He's getting a little snack! I'm thinking he's probably got a milkshake or a smoothie or something.


June 26, 2012

Today is a NEW griffin!

This little bitty black griffin is named Blackberry! He's just an itty-bitty baby griffin! Stay tuned for more of this little guy :D


June 25, 2012

This is quite possibly my FAVORITE sketch ever.

Lemonade (on the left) and Chips (on the right) are at the beach posing for photos!

And yes, I did start naming the griffins... I wasn't going to but then once I started to do more than one they needed names. So they're being named after foods... There's something adorable about giant scary griffins named after breakfast foods.

Of course, they're all cute and adorable NOW but ONE day they're going to be big and scary!
