Monday, April 30, 2012

April 29, 2012

First sketch today is a griffin! I was missing them :D

Next up is a girl in a swim suit! Except she looks a wee tad old to be a "girl".


April 28, 2012

Some little doodle animals today!

AV thought the panda was a little creepy... What can I say, he's got crazy eyes.


April 27, 2012

Sometime in like 2006 I drew a pair of little foxes.

I thought it was high time for those little foxes to grow up.


How cute! He's still blowing little smoke hearts at her!

I may or may not have based the pose and dress off of my wedding photo.... I cannot confirm nor deny this fact.


April 26, 2012

Today we have a video game playing bat!!

Does this really need explanation?

Because if so...

It's a bat...
Who is playing video games....
And that's it...


Thursday, April 26, 2012

April 25, 2012

I'm going to do a pair of "logo heels" to try to jump start some advertising for my artwork! I bought the heels last weekend and I'm thinking I'll do this down the side of one shoe :) I'm going to make them all rainbow-y too

I also need to do a pretty massive overhaul of my website so I might use this design for that as well.


April 24, 2012

This lady looks pretty fancy...maybe she's a princess?

I used this lovely lady as reference!


April 23, 2012

I bought some african violets to put on the kitchen table instead of having cut flowers (since certian cat children tend to dump them over anyways) so I had to draw them!

They're a really pretty dark purple :D They look a lot like these!


April 22, 2012


Maybe I should paint some jellyfish jellies!

I did draw another thing, but I ended up doing a larger version of it later so you'll have to wait and see that part!!


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Fish Shoes

The weather has finally gotten nice enough that I could get some good photos of the Koi shoes I painted back in February!

I still have to put the clear sealant on the fish but the weather hasn't been cooperating, it's been too cold or damp to go out and spray paint.

I also did some baby fish shoes!

These guys have little goldfish on them!

So of course I had to take some photos with the baby and daddy shoes together!!

It's like a whole school!


April 21, 2012

Two sketches today!

The first is some lights I'd like to build with mason jars and icicle lights.

Next is a punk-ish guy.

He was supposed to be a pirate. I'm always trying to draw pirates and they always become something else haha


April 20, 2012

Ned Kelly is pretty much the most adorable little dude EVER. See evidence below!

Side story! He was sitting like this because he was waiting for a bug to fall into his mouth. This is because a large moth fell from the ceiling into his little waiting claws which then swept it into his little waiting mouth. So he's waiting for a second bug to literally FALL FROM THE SKY and into his waiting jaws.


April 19, 2012

I have a ton of little glass spice bottles I'm going to use for some decorating things.

They're really pretty and they remind me of something magic potions would be stored in :)


April 18, 2012

When AV saw this drawing he said "Ew, why did you draw that scary tree? ... Oh wait, it's that tree outside isn't it..."

Yes, darling, yes it is. I guess that means I'm getting better?


April 17, 2012

I'm just doing some bicycle drawing practice.

I'm thinking of doing some pop art paintings with them, but we shall see.


April 16, 2012

Today is another picture of Lennox! She is always very fashionable :D

Her shirt is Mondrain inspired :)


April 15, 2012

I don't have a drawing today and I'm pretty upset about it :( I totally forgot about it because AV and I were painting the enrty room all day!

He says painting counts instead of drawing, but I'm not totally sold :(

Here's a photo of what we're working on! We're still working on it, our weekend project has turned into a two week project.... We're putting a couple of stripes up and we have to get more paint because we put a lighter color over the teal and it's not covering very well.


April 14, 2012

Two sketches today.

The first's a slightly creepy looking bat!

I wanted him to be a cute bat like Brian Lies's bats in Bats at the Beach or Bats at the Library...

Next I have one of the Musketeers from the newest Musketeer movie.

Although apparently his name is Porthos... Not Pothos, which is actually a genus of plants.


April 13, 2012

I started to draw a pirate today, but he wasn't really giving off that pirate-y vibe.

He's a bit too clean to be a pirate I think.

I'll have to have another go at it soon.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

April 12, 2012

Back in October of 2008 I did a drawing I called "Shoe Lust".

Tonight I was thinking about that guy and this guy came out!

Got a bit more junk in the trunk in the last couple of years, have we?


Some refrences: Wings, pants

April 11, 2012

Since I did an animal version of a Musketeer yesterday, I thought I'd do an animal version of Harry Potter today!

Yes, that was the logic train I used.

Hare E. Potter!!



April 10, 2012

Another request by AV today, he's becoming quite creative!

This is Archibald, he's a MOUSEketeer!

AV wanted to name him "Maurice" but I told him no, I will not be having any of that rhyming action happening in here.


April 9, 2012

Just some super quick doodles today....

This is Pikachu's lesser known brother, Pika-stupid.

And a Cat Burrito! This is how Daniel Boone sleeps all the time :D


April 8, 2012

A boy sitting under a tree, as requested by AV.

And my lovely Jame-o! He was sleeping on my lap while I was working :D


April 7, 2012

Quite the menagerie today!
A duckling, a sleeping monkey (yes, that's what the middle thing is supposed to be), and a humming bird!


April 6, 2012

I would say this picture explains it all:

Also, I LOVE bunnies and I've always wanted one. I just don't think that our lifestyle would be particularly healthy for it (lots of power cords, loud noises, and unnecessarily large cats).


April 5, 2012

AV requested a sugar glider today!
AV wanted one of these guys as a pet but they're not really totally domesticated... Also, we have cats, so this guy would really just be a really expensive snack for somebody.

Next up, more possible designs for AV's snowboard helmet!

I don't think he would want the little heart in there... But I thought it was cute :D

Finally, a hummer!!!! I was inspired by this guy I found on DeviantART the other day!

We have to plant a butterfly garden as soon as our yard is done being torn up (we're building a garage). I heard that sometimes it takes up to three or four years for humming birds to relocate to your area, even if you have a good habitat for them. So I need to start making them a place ASAP so they'll come here!!


April 4, 2012

Confession time!

I LOVE pin-up girls.

Especially now, where the girls are all tattooed and have funky colored hair :D

I tried to do a pin-up girl... but... she looks a little creepy I think

Just another thing to keep working on...


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Watermelon Table Runner

I took a second quilting class over the summer. I only got around to finishing the quilt a couple of weeks ago... I'm a terrible procrastinator :)

But it looks fantastic! I'm pretty proud of myself :D

I think I might put some loops or something on it so that I can hang it on the wall over the kitchen door.

I'm taking some other classes at the quilting store so by the end of the year I should have some fantastic full size quilts! I'm making a barn quilt and a quilt with different star patterns. I'm pretty stoked!


April 3, 2012

AV has a white snowboarding helmet and would like to "update" it. He's thinking a radioactivity symbol. Maybe something like this?

Maybe I should a compass so I can make real circles :/

Then I drew an alien. Who turned into a centuar. Who I then got bored of so he has no bottom half :D

Also, I erased his hair a bunch of times so now his head is wonky...


April 2, 2012

AV requested a rubber duckie today!
Cheep, cheep!

Then I made a boy. Maybe he's playing basketball or something..?


April 1, 2012

Lots of drawings today!

AV requested an owl with a monocle and top hat!
Good day, chaps!

We've been watching season 2 of Dollhouse so I drew Topher. He's the tech guy... or... something.

Then I drew a BIG drawing! It's a whole page AND has some background! (You can click on it to make it bigger :D )

Wood nymph!


March 31, 2012

I tried to make a scary dragon.
I failed.
I made another puppy-dragon....

Let's hug, dragon!
