Thursday, April 12, 2012

April 5, 2012

AV requested a sugar glider today!
AV wanted one of these guys as a pet but they're not really totally domesticated... Also, we have cats, so this guy would really just be a really expensive snack for somebody.

Next up, more possible designs for AV's snowboard helmet!

I don't think he would want the little heart in there... But I thought it was cute :D

Finally, a hummer!!!! I was inspired by this guy I found on DeviantART the other day!

We have to plant a butterfly garden as soon as our yard is done being torn up (we're building a garage). I heard that sometimes it takes up to three or four years for humming birds to relocate to your area, even if you have a good habitat for them. So I need to start making them a place ASAP so they'll come here!!


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