Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February 21, 2012

This is The Princess. She wears a crown of twigs and has a pet raccoon. He brushes her hair for her.

He clearly does a poor job of it.


A couple of refrence photos for this one:
Facial refrences (fourth photo down and this one) and two for hair (fifteenth photo down, and second down)

February 20, 2012

My dream job would be in prothestics design. Prothetics are such genius products, a perfect joining of science and nature/biology.

I didn't look at a refrence photo when I was drawing this, so it's a little off. It's supposed to be one of the gazelle runner's blade prothestics.


Further reading on amputee runners:

February 19, 2012

Artist's block today... Just a pile of doodles...


February 18, 2012

I need to practice drawing bicycles so I can have more griffin bike riders!

This is called a "penny-farthing bicycle"

I sooooo want to try to ride one of these bicycles. They seem crazy terrifying.

Obviously I still need a lot more bicycle drawing practice!


February 17, 2012

I tried out a new hairstyle today! .. Not on myself... although I did curl my hair over the weekend!

But, new hairstyle in 5...


I think he might be a bit too skinny to be an ultimate fighter....

I had a professor at Uni that had butt-length dreadlocks.... I always wondered what she would do if she wanted to get rid of them. I thought she might need to use sheep shears :/


February 16, 2012

Music, tattoos, and sleeping! What could be better?

Well, maybe having that black eye heal up... That might be better.


(He has a black eye because my eraser went all smear-y when I tried to fix something... soo... oops?)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

February 15, 2012

Hold on to your bicycles, people! It's a griffin invasion!!!

They're griffins and you know it!

Here's a close up of the griffin playing wiffle ball, as requested by AV:
He's got his tongue out, that means he's concentrating :P

And I did this guy at work today:

He's building a card castle!


I mean...


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February 14, 2012

And even more griffins!!!

No poems to go with them today, I'm just trying to get a good griffin-y face :D

What a cutie!

I based his beak off of a photo of a baby bird... 

More face practice :)

It's pretty difficult to get a beak that doesn't look like a duck bill... That doesn't make for a very frightening griffin...

I guess that just means more more more practice!!


February 13, 2012

More griffins today!!

I'm still going on the griffin and bicycle poem so here's today:

Sometimes in the forest for a long wild ride,
Or sometimes the kitchen, for tea time's inside!

I need to work on beaks apparently, this guy looks like some sory of duck :(


Monday, February 13, 2012


My first big project of the year!!

I finally got to work on AV's koi shoes! I've been dragging my feet because I didn't know what to put on them.

I wanted to do a tattoo style koi but I'm not great at that style so I ended up going a little more realistic.

Virgin shoes!

Koi sketched in marker


I still need to seal the images with spray paint. It's too cold out right now to do it though, so I don't know when I'll be able to get these all finished up :(

I'll still have to do some more "pro style" photos so I can put these guys up over at Little Red Shoes!

How I did it:
Free handed koi from reference photos
Acrylic paint
Eventually will be sealed with clear spray paint


February 12, 2012

I love carousel animals!


I want to try some wood carving. I'd love to do a whole bunch of little carousel animals for the christmas tree!


February 11, 2012

This is a product concept for AV. He's active on Quirky.com and the other day they had free submissions for Inventor's Day ... I think..?

So I did a sketch for his product concept. I'll link his page on Quirky if I can find it (which, so far, I cannot)

This clamp would have an imbedded thermometer in it so that you can test the exact temperature of your pan while cooking. No more guessing when your pan is hot enough!

Would you use this product?


February 10, 2012

Today we have a snazzy music lover!

I wanted to give her a full sleeve tattoo, but I couldn't get it to look like it was something on her skin as opposed to just being awkward and floaty on top :/  I also didn't know what kind of things to put in the tattoo...

Oh well... Another thing to practice I suppose...


Thursday, February 9, 2012

February 9, 2012

Today's another fishy!

You'll have to excuse me... I have fish on the brain. My goldfish (who is nearly two years old!) got sick last week and I've been freaking out about it. But not to worry, he's being medicated and is doing well :D

Read the fish saga here.


February 8, 2012

Another dance today!

Da na na naaa. Can't touch this!!!

Because do you know what time it is? 

Hammer time!


February 7, 2012

Today we have some dancing. A ballerina!

I only know two ballets... The Nutcracker and ... that swan one... Swan Lake? I think? 

So she has to be a Sugar Plum Fairy because that's the only dance I am aware of :)


February 6, 2012

Wintertime means hot drinks!

Yum yum yum!!


February 5, 2012

AV and I watched Cowboys & Aliens tonight! It was actually much better than I expected! Stylistically, it reminded me a lot of Joss Whedon's "Firefly" and "Serenity". So that was pretty awesome since Joss's work is fabulous :)

I always love cross-over style stuff.... Sci-fi and Old West magic!

Also, James Bond and Indiana Jones are in this movie, so that's kind of hilarious.


February 4, 2012

One last X-Man.... For now...

Beast! Only a tiny bit too close to the edge of the page... He's not really a three-legged beastie ;D


February 3, 2012

Another X-Man today!

Maybe slightly less well known, but still awesome: Colossus!


February 2, 2012

AV requested Nightcrawler today!



February 1, 2012

My FAVORITE comic of all time is X-Men. There are so many story lines and the idea of an evolved humanoid species is awesome.

Today we have Cyclops!

Pew, pew, pew!!


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

January 31, 2012

Last day of the month! I've made it through 31 days of sketching!

Today AV requested "a bat painting a picture".

He's painting a flower!

And to top it off, we have what Jesse James would look like if he was a cartoon character!

Adorable :D


January 30, 2012

My bestest buddy came to watch TV with me today!

So of course, I had to draw him.

Dreaming of goldfish and deep sea greens.

This post received the Jesse James seal of DISapproval.

Jamieson's a very disapproving dude.
