Friday, January 6, 2012

January 5, 2012

Today is fish-flavored!

I bought a pair of Airwalks for AV a few weeks ago, they're pretty retro so they've got a nice big area for painting on! They look somewhat like this:

His have a lot less detail on them, they're just grey and white.

And I'm going to paint them with some koi!

This little fishy was drawn on the same page as yesterday's sketch and I did a terrible job of fitting it in the area. That's why there's a huge gap on the tail... there's a leg there in my notebook... oops...

When I finished that guy I realized he was too small so I did a SECOND fishy!

This little fishy got colored! I think this is going to be how I'm going to do the shoes, squiggly colors :D


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