Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Finished Quilt!

I finished my quilt from quilting class! It's a bit small, only a twin where we have a full bed and a queen, but it still looks pretty awesome.

Darling Ned gracing the new quilt with some hair

I'm really proud of myself, this was a huge undertaking! I have also discovered I really like quilting! Its really nice to work with the fabrics, the textures are pretty awesome. But it's also really difficult since the projects are inherently fairly huge so I still have to figure out how to deal with that.


Monday, August 1, 2011

Move, move, move...

We're currently in the final stages of moving so all my stuff is all packed away and I have no where to work.

BUT! I am almost finished with my quilt from quilting class! I am working on the very finishing bits. I am hand stitching the binding down and I have 3 of the 4 sides all done. I have discovered why people have thimbles... My fingertips are all pink and hurty from all that sewing! I am very much not a fan of hand sewing but it looks so much better than using the machine on it...

As soon as I get more moved in and have an internet connection, I'll have photos.
